Shilo Shiv Suleman

(b. 1989)

Shilo Shiv Suleman is an award winning visual artist whose work lives and breathes at the intersection of Magical Realism, Art, Technology and Social Justice. In 2012, at just 21, Shilo gave a TED talk about using technology to encourage dreaming and imagination in new-media narratives which, to date, has garnered nearly one million views. Her collaborations with a neuroscientist on creating art that interacts with biofeedback sensors made her the recipient of two honorariums from Burning Man, for the interactive art installations – ‘Pulse & Bloom’, and ‘Grove’. The biofeedback installations have brought together artists, architects, entrepreneurs, builders and neuro-technologists and have been featured on a host of international media: BBC, Rolling Stone, MSNBC, Tech Crunch, The Guardian, Nat Geo, WIRED, and have been exhibited at the Southbank Centre. Shilo is also the winner of the Future Books award, London and the Women of Worth Award, India. She is the founder and creative director of the Fearless Collective- a movement in replacing fear with love in public space. She has led and facilitated public art interventions in 10 countries, with underrepresented communities, from indigenous nations in Brazil, displaced and migrant communities of refugees in Beirut.

Shilo Shiv Suleman