Reyaz Badaruddin

Reyaz Badaruddin is a contemporary Indian artist and teacher who lives and works from Himachal Pradesh. He graduated in ceramic and design from Banaras Hindu University and went to Cardiff School of Art and Design, UK on Charles Wallace Fellowship for his further studies in ceramics. His works are in the collections of various national and international museums and private collections. He has several awards to his name including national awards and fellowship from the Government of India.

Celebrating the unceasing process of artistic creation, Reyaz Badaruddin’s ceramics are canvases and his canvas paintings are art objects. Somewhere between still life and abstraction, canvas painting and sculpture, objet d’art and utilitarian items—Reyaz’s work breaks down these hermetically sealed compartments and makes them porous. His canvas paintings that give glimpses of objects scattered as if in sand, are moulded the way the artist moulds ceramics with his hands. The subtle wavelike shifts of impasto textures and accumulation of colour in various places are layers that make the two-dimensional surface of the canvas tactile as it crosses bounds, forms, surfaces.

Reyaz Badaruddin